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Old Feb 18, 2008, 04:59 PM // 16:59   #141
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Originally Posted by Xx_Sorin_xX
kids will almost always be better than adults at video games. kids grew up with them, they understand basic gaming better and the fundamental points of all games better than an adult because kids have been more immersed in gaming. and when i say adults im talking 30+ (which would be the older crowd that you speak of imo).
Err... did you think that one through before you typed it out?

I don't know a single person under 20 that could beat me at most games. Why? Because I know them inside and out, backwards and forwards, from the codebase up. The 30+ crowd (myself included) have been gaming on numerous platforms, across a few decades, since before most of the younger gamers were a blink in their parents eyes.

Now I hate to burst your bubble here, but us "older" gamers don't all religiously stick to playing Pong, Wonderboy, or while away our creative hours animating pixels with Broederbunds Fantavision software. We were young enough during the evolution of computers & gaming to evolve with the product.

The "older" gamers you're somewhat mocking in your post are the ones that create the games you claim the younger players are superior in playing. I fail to see the logic in your post.
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Old Feb 18, 2008, 05:05 PM // 17:05   #142
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As long as they're mature enough in their mind, it doesn't really matter. Whenever I told someone my age (15 now) they said they thought I was around 18 years old! Proves that simply because your body is young, you don't have to act like that.

I have to say I'm a bit worried about people who are under 12 years old though, simply because of what happened to Tom.
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Old Feb 18, 2008, 05:11 PM // 17:11   #143
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Age restrictions put in place by the censoring board that approves games should always apply. I don't believe there should be an exception for that, unless there is strict supervision from a parent/gaurdian. This is to protect the child involved, both from themselves and others, and so that they can have help through the gaming system with in-the-room support, if they need it.

Maturity is not equal to age. I know a lot of people that are mature but young, and many that older and immature.
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Old Feb 18, 2008, 05:13 PM // 17:13   #144
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I believe NCSoft has an age of 18 minimum for their signup, whereas gw i believe is a 13+ setup. Personally I have no problem playing with whatever age as long as if they dont want to read it or shouldnt be, a parent should be able to lock the censor on. It isnt anet's job to control what someone elses children sees/reads, each parent should be active in their children's life/activities. If they want to allow their children to play though, the censor should be made where it couldnt be removed without a pwd from a parent or something. Just my 2c on it all
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Old Feb 18, 2008, 05:19 PM // 17:19   #145
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Originally Posted by stretchs
It isnt anet's job to control what someone elses children sees/reads, each parent should be active in their children's life/activities.
This. This is a big problem in society at the moment it seems. A lot of people take the attitude that if there's a big company, or some sort of governmental/advisory body, involved in anyway at all, that suddenly they have little to no responsibilty in what happens.

Enraged Parent: "Why don't they have a chat filter!"
Bystander: "They do, your precious snowflake turned it off."
Enraged Parent: "It should be locked!"
Bystander: "It's optional, for those of us who aren't ten and don't have idiotic parents."
Enraged Parent: "TV and school can raise my kids! Brahhh!" *turns into rampaging petition parent*
Bystander: "...oh, spiffy..."

Exaggerated a little, but you get the general idea, right?
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Old Feb 18, 2008, 05:37 PM // 17:37   #146
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Originally Posted by Tatile
This. This is a big problem in society at the moment it seems. A lot of people take the attitude that if there's a big company, or some sort of governmental/advisory body, involved in anyway at all, that suddenly they have little to no responsibilty in what happens.

Enraged Parent: "Why don't they have a chat filter!"
Bystander: "They do, your precious snowflake turned it off."
Enraged Parent: "It should be locked!"
Bystander: "It's optional, for those of us who aren't ten and don't have idiotic parents."
Enraged Parent: "TV and school can raise my kids! Brahhh!" *turns into rampaging petition parent*
Bystander: "...oh, spiffy..."

Exaggerated a little, but you get the general idea, right?
Actually, I don't think that's at all exaggerated. That's exactly how about 20% of parents today actually think. Their children make up the happy-slapping chavvy yobs.
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Old Feb 18, 2008, 05:58 PM // 17:58   #147
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That was my point, it isnt gw's job to raise anyone's children. Each parent should be responsible for what their children does and doesnt do
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Old Feb 18, 2008, 06:02 PM // 18:02   #148
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Originally Posted by stretchs
I believe NCSoft has an age of 18 minimum for their signup, whereas gw i believe is a 13+ setup. Personally I have no problem playing with whatever age as long as if they dont want to read it or shouldnt be, a parent should be able to lock the censor on. It isnt anet's job to control what someone elses children sees/reads, each parent should be active in their children's life/activities. If they want to allow their children to play though, the censor should be made where it couldnt be removed without a pwd from a parent or something. Just my 2c on it all
The age 18 minimum is just so the contract between NC-Soft and the account owner can be conciderd legal in a Court of Law.
The +13 age is the rating of the game given by E S R B (what ever that stands for, to lazy to look it up)
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Old Feb 18, 2008, 06:06 PM // 18:06   #149
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I would think 12 and up is reasonable.

I also believe that age and maturity do not go hand in hand. People should be accepted / rejected because of their behavior, not age.

Edit: "in" not "and". Doh.

Last edited by Olim Chill; Feb 18, 2008 at 06:41 PM // 18:41..
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Old Feb 18, 2008, 06:28 PM // 18:28   #150
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Originally Posted by Olim lll
I also believe that age and maturity do not go hand and hand. People should be accepted / rejected because of their behavior, not age.
Definitely agree with that statement, people of all ages can be immature and a number doesnt always amply equate that.
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Old Feb 18, 2008, 08:12 PM // 20:12   #151
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12 years and older seems fair play.
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Old Feb 18, 2008, 08:16 PM // 20:16   #152
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Originally Posted by Xx_Sorin_xX
no not really. yes maybe older people are better at thinking things through on a real life standard, but that simply does not apply here. your suggesting that because this game makes you think harder, the older you are the better you will be (on average).

kids will almost always be better than adults at video games. kids grew up with them, they understand basic gaming better and the fundamental points of all games better than an adult because kids have been more immersed in gaming. and when i say adults im talking 30+ (which would be the older crowd that you speak of imo).
You forget the adults that were raised on video games. I'm an adult, and I guarentee that I am better than 90% of the kids out there. Even if they also have been playing since they were 3 years old, I've been playing since 3 longer. It used to be that kids primarily played video games, not adults, but as those original kids grew up, they never stopped playing video games.

Hense the birth of M-rated games.
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Old Feb 18, 2008, 08:18 PM // 20:18   #153
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I think there should be a minimum age for certain classes. You should have to fill out a questionaire before they let you play a Sin.

Do you like Naruto? Are you under 14? If yes, please try again. Thank you.
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Old Feb 18, 2008, 08:19 PM // 20:19   #154
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My son only turned 3 a couple of weeks ago....if he gets the chance this is what he does....

Turn PC on
Connect wireless router
Start Guildwars
Map Travel To Chahbek Village
Complete Mission with Masters

And then repeat mission until he gets dragged off PC

Strange thing is, he has never seen anyone do Chahbek...he just worked it out himself after watching other missions!
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Old Feb 18, 2008, 08:22 PM // 20:22   #155
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Originally Posted by daveham
My son only turned 3 a couple of weeks ago....if he gets the chance this is what he does....

Turn PC on
Connect wireless router
Start Guildwars
Map Travel To Chahbek Village
Complete Mission with Masters

And then repeat mission until he gets dragged off PC

Strange thing is, he has never seen anyone do Chahbek...he just worked it out himself after watching other missions!
And your kids 3?

Fast learner. I think your son may be the next Steven Hawkings.
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Old Feb 18, 2008, 08:30 PM // 20:30   #156
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Originally Posted by Stormlord Alex
I don't think age really matters.

A basic intelligence test would be good, maybe then people could PuG without wanting to strangle the guy that thinks Healbreeze/Power shot/Flare/ tanking is good.
And maybe AB would be more fun against people that can actually, you know... play.
but what would happen to all my builds of flare tanking?

really age makes no diff but however
maturity does, and this goes for people on both ends.

Sometimes people are having fun trying to irk people and are only sucsessful because people take this game seriously. its rather sad if you really take this game super serious.

if you look at interactions between me and my guildies you would wonder if we hated eachother. we are just having fun, but people who come in thinking that all guilds are the same are really in for a surprise with mine
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Old Feb 18, 2008, 08:33 PM // 20:33   #157
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Originally Posted by Xx_Sorin_xX

kids will almost always be better than adults at video games. kids grew up with them, they understand basic gaming better and the fundamental points of all games better than an adult because kids have been more immersed in gaming. and when i say adults im talking 30+ (which would be the older crowd that you speak of imo).
I'm 33 and I grew up with games I was playing them before a lot of the kids playing them now were born I think that means I understand them better. Going by your logic that is.
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Old Feb 18, 2008, 08:34 PM // 20:34   #158
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Originally Posted by Tantra Existantance
And your kids 3?

Fast learner. I think your son may be the next Steven Hawkings.
Unfortunately he also worked out how to put my Kuunavang in the delete bin along with several other items....he doesn't play anymore.....
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Old Feb 18, 2008, 08:37 PM // 20:37   #159
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Originally Posted by daveham
Unfortunately he also worked out how to put my Kuunavang in the delete bin along with several other items....he doesn't play anymore.....

I'm impressed the little guy can reach the keyboard! *claps*
I think there's a picture of me as a baby bashing away at the keyboard, on one of the computers that didn't have a GUI based OS. Hehe.
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Old Feb 18, 2008, 08:39 PM // 20:39   #160
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Originally Posted by daveham
Unfortunately he also worked out how to put my Kuunavang in the delete bin along with several other items....he doesn't play anymore.....
oww that sucks
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